As I go through my journey with Project-Based Learning I need to keep in mind that not everything is going to go according to plan and I need to be able to be flexible and allow things that I may not have expected to happen, happen. I also need to keep in mind that being comfortable with my lessons will not always be possible for me. I need to be willing to try new things and adapt to my students and their needs. I also need to keep in mind that the students will be becoming more independent with their time and progress on assignments. I need to be willing to allow this to happen with my students so that they are not only learning the information taught, but the everyday life lessons they will be learning. I also need to be willing to explain my reasoning on project approaches to colleagues and parents. When going through my journey I need to keep in mind that what we collect with our project assignments will be more worth keeping then just any old lesson plan within a textbook.
The overall benefits to PBL (Project-Based Learning) are that students to engage in real-world activities and practice the strategies that they learned. Another benefit is that projects form the centerpiece of the curriculum instead of just something that students do on the side as extra activity. Another benefit is that technology becomes a tool for students to use and know how to use. Children can begin to help teachers with research and come up with their own ideas and thoughts.
Some student benefits to PBL are that students develop good communication skills in order to find solutions to things that they misunderstand. Students also gather skills that will help them in real world instead of just in the classroom. PBL also helps students gain a fuller understanding of how the world actually works and that there are other people in the world besides themselves and their circle of friends and family. Students also gain the feeling that they, themselves can change the world. PBL helps students learn to communicate and help solve problems that may someday change the world.
One issue that needs to be considered when using the PBL approach is that not everyone is going to agree with this type of learning. Teachers are going to be questioned on how this is type of learning is going to benefit their children and what they will gain from this. Another problem is that PBL doesn’t want to discard the traditional project-based learning. We want to add on to the traditional way and make it even better.
The New Tech model is a program that uses research and planning as the center of it, just like the PBL is doing. Students get to use real world learning and technology is increased but is no t the main focus. Teachers are given time to work together to create a plan and find out where they can improve. This helps teachers share their ideas and spread the good projects around so the students develop a all around good education.