Thursday, March 15, 2012

Reading Reflection 7

The first classroom level discussion is teacher to teacher. This is when teachers converse with each other on how the students are doing with main points of the projects, where each classroom is in within the project, and how you think there is some improvements can be made within the project. The second is student to student conferences. This is when the students will converse with each on how they are coming along with the project and where they were supposed to be at. As a teacher you should be looking over the conversations to make sure that they are all on the correct track and having good conversations. The last conversation is between teacher and students. This should be circulating, observing and talking with smaller groups of students and having them discuss their projects with you and how you can improve. 
Procedural is the first questions of how are we staying on schedule, do we have the right materials, and when is the best time to have a field trip or visitor? It is good to have these questions figured out and make sure the students have a project calendar before beginning the project. Teamwork has questions like how are the teams getting along, is one student carrying a lot of the work, are the students able to manage the work between themselves? Some ways to get the answers to these questions is to have  give them a journal where students are able to safely give their opinions on their group mates and their progress. Understanding is asking questions like how you thought about or have you considered this research. These questions are for students who seem to be getting off track or are stuck on ideas within their project. Self-assessment is for students to be able to express their feelings for the project and how they think the project is going. 
Students gain insight into how to communicate with a culturally diverse audience from having exchange podcasts and other forms of communication with other foreign countries. 
The 21st century skills that can make or break a project is teamwork. By making teamwork a formal assessment, you emphasize the importance of the 21st century skill. We need to encourage self-assessment and peer-assessment so students learn how to be part of team, 
I am going to these skills in my assignment by having the students work in groups for their weather broadcast and how they work within a group. I also am going to have teacher to teacher conferences, student to teacher conference and student to student conference. 


  1. Troubleshooting is also important and can make or break a project. If students are struggling or there are setbacks, it’s important to be able to help students get back on track. Students learn how to overcome challenges as well.

  2. I like the point about students learning from culturally diversity. This can be done through teamwork.
