Friday, March 2, 2012

Reading Reflection 5

Technology tools can encourage students to be reflective and evaluate their own strengths because blogs offer students space where they can reflect over time about what they are learning. ProfilerPRO can help identify interests, strengths, and weaknesses and use this as a guide for learning. You can see how much the students improve and see their new skills and understandings. Other tools such as SurveyMonkey and Zoomerang will allow you to set up surveys and see students self-assessments compared to the larger group. 
Some ways to get students’ minds ready for a project is to encourage students to explore and think about the topic and discuss their ideas with their peers or family. Get the students really excited for the project. Find different ways to get them excited throughout the week by giving them little hints but not telling them exactly what is going on. This will get the students imagination going as to what the surprise will be. By having a good kickoff the students will be more excited and eager to learn. 
Teaching fundamentals first helps make sure students are on the right path as soon as they start their project. This also allows students to realize everything that they know about the topic and everything that they want to know about the topic. Sharing the rubric is also a very important part so the students know what to expect throughout their project. 
The first step that you have to do is figure out exactly what type of technology and tools that you are going to need for the project. Teachers then should set up a “technology playground”. This allows students to figure out how to actually use the technology before it is important for their project, it allows gives students a chance to help each other learn new things about the tools. Another way to prepare children with technology is to have a check list that checks off that they are on task with the tools that they are using. Lastly have yourself or a media specialist demonstrate how to use the tools. 
Ways to promote deep learning within students projects is to know there is a relationship between need and opportunity, and between scarcity and abundance. Ask students “which one” questions and “how questions”. Students need to be asked “what if” questions and “why” questions to help understand the effect that we have on people. 
I will use this in my project because I will ask students why they think the weather will be what they predicted. I will have the children help each other with the use of thermometers and rain gauge and have demonstrate how to use it before they begin the project. 

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you about having a "good kickoff" and getting the students excited and eager to learn. Have you thought about any fun ways we could kickoff our weather project? I think that some project topics are harder than others to build excitement around. Hopefully weather isn't one of them!
