RSome potential pitfalls in project design are that the project could be a long activity, but the students are not getting a big learning benefiting out of the project. If this is to happen, this isn’t worth your time or the students time. Another is technology is just layering over traditional practice, students should not just be researching online and then presenting online. This is just a research project which is not a quality project. Thirdly trivial thematic units are not always the best because students may not be getting disciplined, or being collaborative with one another. Lastly the project may be too complicated and have way to many steps.
A good project won’t use any of the above pitfalls and will be very flexible. Flexibility allows things to change within the project in case things come up that will make the project too hard or too easy. The students need to want to be involved in the project is very essential because it will make the projects better and give the students something to be proud of in the end. Students are structured to learn from themselves and one another and are realistic with goals that they set for their projects.
Project ideas come from many different places. Some come from books, where students can show each other what they have learned, projects that are developed from other teachers, new stories or contemporary issues. Project ideas can also come from students interest or questions, or just a “mash-up” of good ideas.
The first step when designing is to make a final list of learning objectives for core subjects and allied disciplines. You then decide on the specific 21st-century skills you want address. Then identify learning dispositions you want to foster. The secondly establish evidence of understanding. You must imagine how the students will be different as learners and people. Then you must plan the project or theme of the entire project. Lastly you must start to plan what you are going to say and do to get the students excitement and attention in the project.
I am going to use this concept in my project because I am going to make a good project for my students. I am going to make sure none of pitfalls are in my project and that I follow this list of steps in designing my project.
I agree that it is important for projects to be flexible. I think it's good when a project can take multiple paths as long as students are still learning what they are intended to learn.