Friday, February 3, 2012

Stephanie Joseph - Reading Reflection 2

The focus of Learning Communities is for educators to work together to overcome the the traditional isolation of the the profession. Teachers can use each other to get feedback about their programs and solve problems with the ideas of others. The benefits of Learning Communities is that educators have someone else to rely on for ideas to help improve their programs that they have created. Teachers are able to see what other educators are doing and see where they should be improving their lessons. Being part of a community helps bring your professional life to be more productive and satisfying. It helps ensure the students learn, create a culture of collaboration for school improvement, and focus on results of things going on. 
Learning Communities help students because it shows students that the teachers are willing to take a risk and try something new. By showing this to students, they are then encouraged to take their own risks and not be afraid to try something new. 
Shared vision is a huge contribution to the Learning Communities because it allows teachers to focus on students needs and collaborate with each other. By collaborating with each other it allows them to have the shared vision and help students. 
I think this chapter helps with my project because I want to have a shared vision with my teammate. I want to work together and have the students enjoy our activities that we have planned. I think having a Learning Community would be really helpful and sounds like something that would be very a good thing to do. 

1 comment:

  1. I like how you said that it encourages students to take their own risks. Since we are teachers, students look up to us and like to copy what we do. So by modeling learning communities to students, hopefully they will start collaborating with other students and forming their own learning communities. I also agree that learning communities will help break the traditional view that teachers teach in isolation. It's better to have two or more heads than one while educating students to the best of their abilities.
